This blog is Conservative, not stupid. No matter how we slice it, the Trump presidency was one of unabashed and flagrant nepotism, autocracy, and authoritarianism.
The national debt ballooned. (Despite the promise to eliminate it)
The stock market sagged. (Despite the promise of the best "business man")
Gun rights have been restricted. (Despite the promise to fully support the 2nd Amendment)
The pandemic highlighted non-existent leadership ability. (Despite claims of unfaltering leadership acumen)
Civil unrest protesting against frequent uses of unnecessary force was met with even greater shows of force.
We are losing international allies while cozying-up to despots.
The level of basic and coherent discourse is at an all-time low.
Holy hell, just leave Trump by the wayside and move on. He has irreparably damaged the conservative movement and we should all take stock, coalesce, and move forward without this damaged visage.